So Kelli and I were sitting around on Sunday night relaxing. She was on Facebook and I was either reading or watching TV (you know, married life stuff). Kelli turned to me from the computer and informed me that one of her friends who goes to a Non-Denominational church, posted on their Facebook that their church just released a 20 year plan. That’s right, a 20 year plan! Not a 1 year plan or a 5 year plan or even a 10 year plan, but a 20 year plan. This naturally led to some conversation and thoughts on ministry.
One of my next responses was to say half jokingly “I bet his degree is in business”. I was actually a little surprised myself that I was right. After a little research I found that he has his BA in Management and Organizational Development and had 14 years of experience in the business world before becoming the pastor.
I believe that there is a place for some strategic planning in ministry, but we have to remember that the church is not a business. We have to leave room for the Holy Spirit to move. In ministry it is essential to not allow our plans to interfere with God’s plan. Here are a few verses that shed some light on our plan verses God’s plan.
Isaiah 30:1
1 “Woe to the obstinate children,”
declares the LORD,
“to those who carry out plans that are not mine,
forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,
heaping sin upon sin;
James 4:13-14
13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
Proverbs 19:21
21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.
My intention isn’t to pick on this church. I just think we need to be careful in how we plan in our ministries and how far we plan. To be honest I don’t know exactly what their 20 year plan is. It is possible that it could be “to follow God with all our hearts”, but I doubt it is that general. This whole thing just has made me think a lot about the ministry God has me in and the direction he is leading. My challenge to myself is to be in tune with the Lord’s spirit and to cast a vision only when I am certain it is God’s will.
20 years! That made me laugh. We keep trying to make a six month plan and the Lord keeps re-routing us. Visions are great, as long as they're flexible to where the Spirit would lead. 20 years is either saying that one knows exactly what God has in store (a little arrogant) or that you don't care (also arrogant)